Glasgow Worldcon 2024: Schedule
I will be at Glasgow Worldcon and am happy to say hello and sign books any time!
Scheduled appearances:
Thursday, August 8:
Epic Appeal (panel), 4:00 PM (GMT+1), Forth (Armadillo Bldg).
(panel description below)
Friday, August 9:
I’ll be joining the Glasgow Pop-Up Social
2:30 - 3:30 pm (Friday)(maybe Saturday too) in Hall 4, open seating area
Note: The Pop-Up Social runs Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 2 - 4 pm Hall 4, open seating area. Lots of different authors! Chat, hang, get books signed
Saturday, August 10: (two signings!):
“Official” Autographing: 10:00 AM (GMT+1), Hall 4 (Autographs)
I will have bookplates and bookmarks, so come and get something signed with or without books.
Signing: Dealers’ Room Tachyon Pub Table: 3:00 PM, with Ellen Datlow and Carrie Vaughn.
Sunday, August 11:
Table Talk: 4:00 PM (GMT+1), Hall 4 (Table Talks)
(you have to sign up for this, as there is limited seating! Please sign up! Also, I have had wait-listed people get in on the day, because of no-shows or cancellations and in one case because I told them to join us anyway because I was in Australia and when else would they be able to see me?)
Read this! ==>
I am excited to announce I will have with me six print ARCs of THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD BEGINS IN ICE: Stories and Essays from the World of Cold Magic.
I’ll be giving one away at the Table Talk. Reviewers who would like an early copy, please track me down, and ask. I hope these ARCs can go to good homes that can help spread the word, given this is a small press collection. Thanks!
I will also have two print (test, not final) copies of the chapbook short story (Cold Fire chapter 31.5 “bonus chapter”), THE BED HE HAD BUILT FOR HER, with a lovely cover illustration by Allaine B Leoncio and an interior illustration by Jody Lee. At the moment, the chapbook is available only with a pre-order of the Deluxe hardcover special edition of the collection, so if you would love an early copy, be the first to come up to me at a convenient moment at Worldcon and ask (my strong preference is that both of these go to Cold Magic fans, not to collectors).
Panel Description (from above):
Epic Appeal:
Epic fantasy stories usually encompass multiple volumes and thousands upon thousands of pages. What is the appeal of the epic novel? Is it the multi-act storylines, the interwoven structure, the intricate details, the big cast of characters? Or the fact that you can use them as a weapon? Or all of the above? Come along to find out just what makes an epic novel deeply satisfying for readers and writers alike.(panel with Andrea Stewart,
Participants: Marve Michael Anson (m), Andrea Stewart, Kate Elliott, M H Ayinde, Tao Wong
I attend conventions for two reasons: to meet my readers, and to hang out with my friends. I hope to see you there!
Natty Finn would go if he could!

As always, thank you. I could not do this without you.
Kate Elliott
Have a fabulous time!!!!